What do your day-to-day activities involve?
-The day-to-day planning and running of our sessions
-Ensuring the young people have the opportunity to be able to play
-Encourage families to play together again and understand why play is important
-Ensuring the young people have a safe space to play in
-Ensuring that Go Play is providing the most for the young people attending.
-Planning activities and sessions that include the 16 types of play, so the young people are able to explore all aspects of play.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
Taylor enjoys being able to provide the young people with the opportunities she never experienced when she was younger. This project offers them the opportunity to explore play in their own way and in a safe space all for free. It’s a pleasure to see the young people grow and shape their own ways of playing through the Go Play project.
What interests and hobbies do you have (inside and outside of work)
She enjoys spending time with her family and friends outside of work. Taylor also enjoys spending time reading when she has the time.
Taylor is involved in: